What is the difference between Inergen and Argonite?

The short answer

There is no difference between the way in which and how quickly an Inergen system and an Argonite system extinguish a fire! The same inert gases are used and the extinguishing method is identical.  For both types, it is recommended to leave the room immediately in the event of fire. There are no rules that prescribe one fire extinguishing method over the other.

The body absorbs oxygen better with Inergen

The difference between the two inert gases is the composition. Inergen contains 8% CO2 which allows the body (brain and muscles) to absorb oxygen better during activation.

Should I choose an Inergen system or an Argonite fire extinguishing system, and what’s the difference? Let’s establish right away that the Inergen system was invented by Fire Eater in 1984. The Argonite system was invented around the same time by the Danish company Ginge Kerr.


  • Inergen

    Inergen is an inert gas and consists of naturally occurring atmospheric gases: It consists of 52% nitrogen, 40% argon and 8% carbon dioxide. Inergen extinguishes the fire by reducing the oxygen concentration to 15.5-10%, stopping combustion. The carbon dioxide content of Inergen stimulates the breathing rate and increases the body’s degree of oxygen utilisation. This compensates for the lower oxygen level present when a fire is extinguished. This has been tested and assessed by the Danish Working Environment Authority and Denmark’s highly specialised hospital, Rigshospitalet. Because of this, Inergen can be used in occupied spaces. Inergen does not form corrosive decomposition products and is suitable for the protection of electronic equipment.

  • Argonite

    Argonite is an inert gas which, like Inergen, consists of natural gases from the atmosphere: The inert gas used consists of 50% nitrogen and 50% argon. Argonite extinguishes fires by reducing the oxygen content of the air from the normal 20.9% down to 10-12%. Argonite does not form corrosive degradation products and Аrgonite can be used in occupied spaces and is electrically non-conductive and therefore suitable for computer rooms etc., like Inergen.

  • No toxicological risk

    There is no toxicological risk associated with Inergen and Argonite. Upon contact with fire, neither Inergen nor Argonite produce toxic by-products. For example, it can be crucial if you need to fireproof a data centre, where people may be at work around the clock to ensure data operation and maintenance of the server park.

  • Minimize the risk of loss of reputation and revenue

    Both fire extinguishing systems can start by extinguishing the fire even if there are people inside the data centre. In addition, the data centre can continue to operate after the fire has been extinguished, as there is no damage to expensive servers, data and server racks during the extinguishing process. So you minimize the risk of loss of reputation and revenue due to downtime.

  • Environmentally friendly and harmless to the environment.

    Inergen and Argonite do not harm things or people – even if there are people in the data centre during activation of the system.

    At the same time, both solutions are sustainable and environmentally friendly fire protection – they are completely harmless to the environment. Inergen and Argonite are 100% sustainable and consist of naturally occurring gases.